“My professors are actually very great. They encourage me to do better in the morning, when you walk into class they – they have this energy that they are ready to go for class.”
Maria starting her journey after graduating high school.
Maria Moran is currently enrolled at Cal State University Dominguez Hills and she is going to study Business Administration in Finances and Marketing. Many people in her high school helped her graduate and continued her education.
Maria’s school was very helpful through her journey going into college. “…Yes many people did impact me to continue my education…my counselor- actually encouraged me and made me sign up for UC’s and CSU’s which I am glad I to actually continued going to school.”
People encouraged her to continue her education so that she could become more successful in the future. Now she is going to CSUDH where they offer lots of help.
For her future she hopes to finish college, get started in her own business, and hopes to succeed in what she wants to do which is real estate.
Samantha Moran: Today I will be interviewing you about college.
Maria Moran: My name is Maria Moran and I’m a freshman in college.
SM: To start off what college do you go to and why did you choose this one?
MM: The college that I am currently enrolled in right now is CSUDH which is California State University of Dominguez Hills. The reason I chose this college was because of the amazing programs that they offered there for example, the EOP is very convenient because they give you grants and also because they help you through out your four years. Another reason is because the campus is very small and since I went to a very small school, to me it is better because I get to interact with my professor more, my classes are smaller and because I got a full tuition there too.
SM:Um OK…What are your professors like and how far- do you like your classes?
MM: My professors are actually very great.They encourage me to do better in the morning, when you walk into class they – they have this energy that they are ready to go for class. They motivate me, they show me that anything is possible and also I really like that when you go visit your professors like in office hours and in the toro learning center they are very different from what they are in class, like in class they might be like you have to do this, this, and this but when you go one on one with you professors they are actually very cool, they are actually very nice, and helpful and I like my schedule because to me it is very convenient and I really enjoy it because Mondays and Wednesdays I enter at 8:30 and come out at 9:45 which leaves to me the rest of the day to do homework and catch up on things.On Tuesday’ s and Thursdays I enter at 8:30 until 12:45 and I have three classes and Friday’s I have one class its 8:30 to 11:15 and that is very convenient because I have the rest of the time to do homework.
SM: okay…Did anyone in your like life impact you to choose to go to college and not just start a job or something after high school?
MM: Um- yes many people did impact me for example my advisor she encouraged me – to continue my education. My family also because I am a first generation student to go to college. Another reason is because my counselor – actually encouraged me and made sign up for UC’s and CSU’s which I am glad to actually continue to going to school.
SM: Ok…um what major are you planning to study and why?
MM: The major that I am planning to study is Business Administration in Finances and Marketing because I really like interacting with people and I really like enjoy talking to them, so like I want to become a real estate and help people figure out their best choices.
SM: Ohhh Okay did you really see yourself going to this college and studying the major that you chose?
MM:I first saw that…- First no I did not see myself going there at all.I actually saw myself going into UC Irvine or Northridge, but North Ridge had sent me my award letter very late. Second of all it is kind of far where I live so it wouldn’t be good – my commute would have been around 2 hours or more .
SM:Okay.Would you have changed anything about the college that you are going to or any choices that you made about it?
MM: No actually I really like the college how it is . It has so much nature, they care about the environment ,about the earth and saving it. They are very[inaudible] and the programs there are very- helpful there.
SM: How do you think that this college is going to impact you in your future?
MM:I think this college is going to well prepare me for my future not only by giving me my degree but learning how to do interviews,-be capable of knowing what I am doing, becoming a better leader, becoming a critical thinker, becoming a academic learner, also by- becoming a public speaker.
SM:Where do you see yourself once you finish college?
MM:Where I see myself…well first of all I see myself getting my degrees, learning from my experience in college, becoming a Real Estate agent, opening my business after a few years of working in Real Estate, and my goal when I opened my business is something with music like music production.
SM:What programs do your school offer so that you could be successful to do your goal?
MM:Our school offers many programs for all the students. Just like for example we have a medical center, we even have a napping center and if you are in need they have a center for that.There is actually a center located in our student union where you go there is you don’t have food they give you food , if you don’t have clothes they will give you clothes, if you have need help finding where to live they provide you with a few days of living somewhere, and they help you arrange yourself. Second of all we have the Toro dreamers which is for undocumented people, so if you are undocumented that is a very good program because they help you with many things trying to get scholarships, they give scholarships to students like that.We also have a male alliance which is- girls could join too, but it based for men because like for example there is many people who are either gay or have different interest. Right there you are able to join and you are able to be yourself without anyone judging you.Also we have the success center and the black resource center.The black resource center for African American people-are able to go there without being judged by their culture or anything else like their background.Also we have the women center where you are able to get pads, or like in case you need a pregnancy test, or you just need help with women stuff related you go there.We also have the career center where they help you get a job in campus or outside of campus.We have the EOP program which is the – it really helps a lot of students because they get free money, they help you through out the four years, they have one on one conversations with you, they provide you with two extra advisors, so in total I have three my school advisor, my business advisor, and my EOP advisor. They also have the ETE and we have many other programs that I don’t remember but- oh we also have Toro learning center. Right there you go for tutoring when you have questions you could either meet with your professor or with an expert and talk about the topics that you are struggling with.
SM:Since you mention about the programs of the career center do you think that that one is going to help you start with your job or career?
MM: Yes I do because the career center is there to provide you and to help you get a job outside of school and within the school, but also I believe that every year the career center has a activity they host like a fair or they host some type of event where there is like many people come and you are able to like go to different tables to learn more information and they are actually there to give people jobs like you actually sign your name and they will actually give interview.Also there are internships like for example if I want to study Real Estate or do anything with business there is going to be a spot for business I could go there, I could start there where they will give me a internship.A internship is basically like a job that is going to prepare you to like what you want to be and if they do give it to you then you are going to be successful because you are already going to have a job once you are out of college.Second of all because this will help you get a career in the future.
SM:Lastly do you think that since you are doing business with music do you think that you will change that into something else?
MM: No I think no- I feel very strong about my choose that I recently made about my major.
Brisa Martinez • Sep 30, 2019 at 8:54 am
This interview taught me more about colleges and how they help you. I also like how she went into detail about the programs they offer. You asked very good and important questions.
Yaretsy Noj • Sep 25, 2019 at 10:30 am
I like how she said why she went there and what they offer. I like that the questions weren’t just yes or no questions they helped elaborate and talk all about college. I also like that she didn’t give up because I know school is hard.
Marisol Roque • Sep 25, 2019 at 8:17 am
This interview was great, I’d say your sister gives a lot of context about CSUDH, what it’s like, and why she went there. You can also tell that it’s genuine, and her college has a lot of good to offer.
Evelyn R. Francisco • Sep 24, 2019 at 10:37 am
This story was good because it had the interviewee explain what college is like and to really express herself and explain what led her to CSUDH. This story may help people who are looking for first-hand experiences of what college is like and how to get there.
ashly • Sep 24, 2019 at 10:32 am
This interview was honestly so good! Some advice I could give is making small jokes here and there to make the conversation lighter and less awkward. Another piece of advice I would give is to not be to worried as when you are it could make the interview feel very awkward, but overall this was a total art work!
Kimberly Hernandez • Sep 24, 2019 at 10:30 am
Your interview is really good. I like how your sister talks about college and what it is about and she gets help. Your interview makes me think about college and what it could/would be like.
Arleth Santana • Sep 24, 2019 at 10:25 am
This helped me show what this college they are talking about and what programs they offer. Also, this helped me notice what your life is like and how you will achieve it. Everything is good, very detailed .