“Keep the end in mind.”
Family, Yuri Chavez, her husband Jose, and her son Jesus on the day of her graduation at East Los Angeles Community College in June 2019.
Yuri Chavez is a 26 year old woman with a 7 year old son and a husband who has worked hard to accomplish her dreams. Although she has had several sets back like having to leave school for two years right after graduating from high school to give her son the attention and the care he needed for the first two years of his life.
She also had a tough time with both her parents due to their illnesses, her mother anxiety and her dad diabetes. She has managed to work and continue her education and find different hobbies like doing her makeup, and reading. She has worked hard to accomplish her dream to have a better lifestyle and be able to give her son a better future.
Xitlaly Canela : Tell me a little bit about your childhood.
Yuri Chavez: Okay well,What I can tell you about my childhood is that I came from both Spanish parents,Both originated from Mexico.I also have a big family I have 1 older sister and 4 smaller siblings..brothers.We have lived in different places due to my father’s work.We have lived from Mexico, Wyoming, Apple Valley, Victorville, Chicago, and Los Angeles among other places.
X.C: Okay um what has been the reason for all the change of states you’ve lived in?
Y:C: Its due to my dad,My dad used to work in a refinery,And since he was young he has always worked but the refinery is a job where in a month you might have work everyday and then out of know where there is no job but my dad wasn’t the type that would be in disability so he would go looking for for that same job in other States and other places so like we were a big family he..he.ha…. a..he is Mexican he has always believed that as a family we should always be together,So he would carry up along with all of us,
X.C: Did moving from State to S-State did that like um have a huge like impact on you?
Y.C: It did,It did have an impact on me because since I was young we have actually struggled or at least I have struggled in school because once I am getting accommodated in a school and i am getting comfortable in it we had to move,So when I am…get getting friends and becoming familiar with..with the place and with the people we had to move out.
X.C: Oh..okay um…..till what grade did or do you study?
Y.C: Well I am currently studying I am still in school,So far I have gotten my associates in natural science. Um from East LA Community College (ELAC) . Um I am currently aw.. um studying for my Tees to get into the RN program right here located in Los Angeles County.
X.C: Um so Yuri, Why did you choose going into um the nursing community?
Y.C: Um I decided to go into the nursing field because since I was young I’ve seen both my parents struggle.My dad since he worked in a refinery he use to work as welding and um I have..my dad’s family has..have diabetes so he was diagnosed by..with diabetes at a young age and he lost his sight so…we started visiting hospitals and doctors.My mom has suffered from anxiety so we have visited doctors and hospitals with her as well and like we were young we were younger I would…we would go with them and then I would see how some nurses were Really!nice to them and how some nurses have..were really mean to them,So it made me see that depending how you treat the person you can s-tell and you can.. they can make you feel better you know, So I understood that.. that was something that I wanted to do because you can help them out you can..you don’t only help doctors help the patent and the family too if you know how to speak to them
X.C: {whispers}mmh okay.
Y.C: With one word you can comfort a lot of people.
X.C: What was the age that you knew that you wanted to go into nursing/ like what was the age you um..that..[chuckles]
Y.C: I decided to …um?
X.C: That you..that you went through those problems like looking at your parents struggle with all those medical problems?
Y.C: Um I think it was when my dad started lo-la-lo losing his sight when-he when I was turning 14, So that when I started seeing all these hospital things, and going to hospitals,and picking my parents from hospitals, and dealing with hospital stuff.So that’s when I decided when I seeing all this all this hospital how we do stuff in hospitals,how we help people, and how they can make a difference,and then so I decided to help to help and be in the nursing community.
X.C: Um so Yuri do you have any kids?
Y.C: Yes I do! I have one.
X.C: What’s his name?
Y.C: His name is [Phone Rings] Jose De Jesus Perez.
X.C: How old is Jose De Jesus Perez?
Y.C: He is 7 years old!
X.C: Um wow he is 8 ( meant to say 7) um oh wow you had him at a really young age.
Y.C: I did!I had my child when I had just turning 19 years old.I felt that at this time I was still young, I was not ready but you know what things come up and I ended up pregnant and there he is I have been there for him and and it’s something that is worth it.
X.C: Um recently you told me that you wanted to become a nurse did this impact you on becoming a nurse um did this really make a huge difference?
Y.C: Um yes it does because in the nursing field it is really demanding you have to study, you have to do work, you have to study for exams,do clinical and all this different stuff but and having a child you don’t only have to deal with a child but you have to also deal with be-because I also need to deal with my husband we got together.So having a child is not only dealing with him but dealing with my husband as well,cleaning the house,washing,helping him with his homework, taking him and bringing him back from school,like my husband work I have to get all my classes and all my work according to the time period that I can.Its ether taking him to school and taking classes before he comes out or get him out and then find somebody that can take care of him then leave to school,come out , help him with his homework,do studies,and then after i am don’t studying and helping him with his homework,shower him get him ready and then do my stuff which is study,do homework,fix my stuff and if it’s not that I have to get my husbands things ready or cook for him and clean so it’s everything timing and then I you have to have everything on schedule to keep up with your things.Its not like oh you don’t have a child you could do whatever you want with your time,now its not only a child but its a husband as well.
X.C: Oh um how have I impacted your life?
Y.C: Well you have impacted my life in many positive ways as I can recall I went to your moms baby shower and I spent that beautiful time with before you were born and then..now I have this gift where I am able to help you with your projects,and your stuff and since I have an 8 year old(meant to say 7)son I don’t talk to him about many things that you as a 13 year old has questions for me and I am able to help you take the right decisions and for me that is something positive because if I can make you and talk to you in making the right decisions so you wont make some of the mistakes that I made at such a young age that is something positive in my life because I understand that I am helping you and that I can help you regarding that both you parents English language so if you need questions or help I am always here.
X.C: Oh okay so what have you helped me with

the day I made my First Communion in May 2017
Jacqueline Alvarez • Sep 26, 2019 at 6:14 pm
What really stood out to me was that she worked even harder to achieve her goal even when having a kid and having allot of responsibilities. I would also like to add on: Was it ever hard going to school and having a kid to take care of? And, where do you think you would be right now if you were not a mother?
Xitlaly Canela • Sep 25, 2019 at 10:39 am
Xitlaly Canela Jesus Betancourt she is my Aunt
Yareni • Sep 25, 2019 at 10:28 am
This reminded me of my aunt because when she was young she really liked her job as a nurse.
Jesus Betancourt • Sep 25, 2019 at 10:23 am
I really like her, she sounds like a really responsible person. Is she your sister or mom?