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Bulldog Bugle

The student news site of Animo Jefferson Charter Middle School

Bulldog Bugle

Bulldog Bugle

Jade Cano

Jade Cano, staff writer

Jade Cano is a staff writer for the Bulldog Bugle.

She enjoys drawing, and her favorite animals are cats. She likes breezy and cool days and doesn’t like the summer time. A dog named Sandy and a cat named Cookie are two pets that she currently owns but she lives with eight pets. She prefers to be inside rather than being outside but when she does go out she enjoys going to eat with her family at different restaurants.

All content by Jade Cano
A mouse

What is animal testing?

Jade Cano, staff writer
March 8, 2025
Ms. Zavala working at the front desk

Maria Zavala

Jade Cano, staff writer
September 27, 2024
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