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Bulldog Bugle

The student news site of Animo Jefferson Charter Middle School

Bulldog Bugle

Bulldog Bugle

Jessi Salas, staff writer

All content by Jessi Salas
This is the "Sharks" thinking about the deal they were just offered.

The “Shark Tank” Project

Jessi Salas, staff writer
June 8, 2023
Receiving awards when winning tournaments.

The soccer journey

Jessi Salas, staff writer
May 29, 2023
Rachel meets a baby on a bus and helps her out. The picture shows the baby with her giraffe sitting on Rachel’s lap.

Rachel Lopez

Jessi Salas, staff writer
February 13, 2023
A large group of Klansman gathering to do a cross burning.

What is the KKK?

Jessi Salas, staff writer
December 16, 2022
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