Women’s Rights organizations

Women on the verge of protesting

Women on the verge of protesting

It has been exactly 100 years since women got the right to vote under the 19th amendment. It was a really long and difficult process to go through especially for women. Before the women’s rights movement, they weren’t allowed to do many things like having the right to vote, having an education, participating in sports, and so much more. Given the circumstances in the past, there were many things that had to get settled in order to move forward with the rights. Many organizations were created to help during this advancement.

According to HISTORY, The Women’s Christian Temperance Union was founded in November 1874 in Cleveland, Ohio and they campaigned for the women’s rights to vote.  This was an important milestone because they became one of the most influential and largest women’s groups during the 19th century. This campaign was held in process of the 18th amendment. They didn’t use this platform only for women’s suffrage but also for labor laws and prison reform.

Britannica states that in March and April 1888, some women leaders came together in Washington D.C. The purpose of this was to advocate for human rights for women. Later this turned into a significant event during the women’s right development because this was a women’s organization that crossed national boundaries. This became the International Council Of Women, also known as (ICW). These early international conferences were extensively covered by the press.

A video about women’s history produced by Humanities NY  explained that there weren’t many women’s rights conventions before but one of the the first ever women’s rights conventions was the Seneca Falls Convention. This conference was organized by a group of local Quaker women and an area resident, Elizabeth Candy Stanton. This convention advocated for gender equality. Those who came to the Seneca Falls convention were inspired both by movements to abolish slavery and to give property rights to women.

In brief, early organizations like the Women’s Christian Temperance Union, the International Council of Women, and the women who convened the Seneca Falls Convention built the foundation of the movement for women’s rights and promoted human welfare. These and many more organizations helped women to do numerous things that they weren’t allowed to do. The 19th Amendment to the Constitution, which did grant women the right to vote and read, was the end result of all their actions.