“It all started because of Chick-Fil-A”


For most people, quarantine was something that pushed people away from friends and family, but for Gabriela Rubio, Dayana Rivera, and Yvette Alvarado, quarantine brought them more together friendship wise. 

In 2020, Dayana Rivera and Yvette Alvarado were introduced to each other and became very good friends with each other.

Soon later it 2020, Yvette Alvarado and Gabriela Rubio lost a close uncle due to COVID, although the difficulties they went through, Dayana Rivera was there to cheer them up. 

Throughout 2020 to 2021, they all stand together, supporting each other, laughing together, and making new memories.



Gabriela Rubio: Alright then, introduce your- [Laughs] introduce yourselves.

Dayana Rivera: Hi my name is Dayana I am 11 years old.

Yvette Alvarado: Hi my name is Yvette and I am 15 years old.

GR: Alright so how do you guys think we impacted each other during quarantine?

DR: I think we impacted each other, personally, by me being more funny and introducing a different type of laughter that they never heard of.

GR: Heard off, ok, you?

YA: I think I impacted this friendship by being a role model to you guys and like, showing an example of what should be done, and not, you know? Like not-

GR: Yeah.

GR: Not-

YA: [Inaudible] do what’s wrong.

GR: Not going in the wrong way, you know.

DR: Yeah.

GR: You know, I feel like, you now, I think this friendship actually started when, like, I think, either you came, you started coming to the shop, and then like after some time, you came to the shop and like, I think, I introduced you guys for the first time.

YA: Yeah, yeah it all started because of Chick-fil-A.

DA: Yeah

GR: Did, oh yeah, it really did, yeah, like we were like in this room upstairs and, we have this room upstairs, and uhm, we , we, who, oh yeah, Luzcla, Luzcla-

YA: Luzclarita.

GR: Was also there, yeah she was also there, and uhm-

DR: I was always the funny one though.


DR: That’s the thing.

GR: I mean, Chick-Fil-A was actually the first interaction we had with each other, like-

DR: No, it was tacos.

GR: Mmmm, wait really?

DR: It was tacos, cause don’t you remember when the, negocio-

YA: Yeah.

DR: Was starting-

YA: Yeah, it was when you guys opened up your, your business-

DR: For the first time-

YA: For the first time, we all, decided to get tacos and bring them here-

DR: And [inaudible].

GR: Oh-

YA: And that was the first, where we met and then, when we actually started, like, getting to know each other-

DR: Was Chick-Fil-A-

YA: [inaudible] was with the Chick-Fil-A-

GR: With Chick-Fil-A, yeah, how do you guys think life would be different without you guys, knowing each other, like us not knowing each other.

DR: I think, uhm, I would have a lot of more free time-


GR: Omg, yeah?

DR: Because I’m constantly with you guys-


GR: Is that a bad thing or a good thing?

DR: It’s a good thing.

GR: Oh, ok, I thought it was a bad thing, you know, I think like, you Yvette, I feel like, we would, we would know each other anyways cause like we’re cousins, Dayana is like the family, like the family friend we have in this, in this trio.

YA: It’s like, it’s like the [inaudible] she’s like, basically like our baby cousin but, that isn’t blood.

GR: Yeah yeah yeah, like, ok, its weird cause, we would still see each other, like, in, even outside of quarantine, whenever Covid, before Covid started and I would also hang out with you, but I never introduced you guys to each other. 

YA: Yeah.

GR: Until I did, and you guys-

YA: [inaudible] Became-

GR: The trio became something-

DR: Chaotic.

YA: Yeah.

GR: Yeah, really, like, we really, we should show the teacher the bloopers we did right now, it would be [laughs] chaotic.

GR: Ok, Yvette, how do you think your personality affects our group?

YA: I think, well, talking about like myself, um I think I’m a really like, I’m not, you would never find me serious unless Im like in, you can say, emotionally not stabled, you know? But I think I sometimes like, we could be all sitting down quiet and I would just make a random noise and-

GR: And-

YR: And we all start cracking up-

GR: And we all start cracking up yeah yeah yeah, I feel like you’re not serious maybe when you’re tired, maybe, but like [laugh] in overall really, you like, [laughter], Dayana stop looking at me like that. [laughter] So, how do you think Dayana, you impacted, like your personality impacts our friendship?

DR: I think I impacted it because I became um, I guess you can say the one that made everyone laugh, the one that did all the jokes, like right now, Yvette is laughing her head off and she wont stop and I’m being really calm and I’m literally just being calm and she’s laughing cause of my calm voice. [laughter]

GR: Yeah yeah yeah, so, I mean, [laughter] stop it.

GR: Ok, so where do you guys see this friendship in the future 

YA: You go first or I go first?

DR: I see this friendship in the future like us getting more closer since our age gap right now is kind of-

GR: I mean-

DR: It’s not a big age gap, but I feel like once we’re all mostly older, we are going to understand everything so like we’ll get like better along, I guess.

GR: Yeah, i feel like we’re gonna get more mature-

DR: And closer I think.

GR: Yeah, we’re gonna get more mature and like, I mean, eventually all of us are will have a driver’s license, and [laughter]

YA: We can go to McDonald’s.

GR: Exactly, yeah.

DR: Imma [inaudible] money.


GR: Yeah, how do you think?-

YA: I mean I think like, how I see, where I see this friendship-

GR: Uh huh, yeah

YA: I think like if we end up like, being more closer than we-

GR: Already are.

YA: Already are, I think we, I see you guys kind of like, I don’t know, I see you guys as my roommates, honestly-

GR: Really? 

DR: For college or for what?

YA: Like, cause like for me I always thought of like, buying a big house, having a house to share with my friends-

GR: With your friends-

YA: Not like, TikTok or whatever.


YA: But I think like, if I actually have enough opportunity to get a house, like, big enough, I think, like of course I would ask my parents if they wanna be, like, live with me-

GR: Yeah.

YA: Then not I guess, [inaudible] their own house and like invite you guys to come along.

GR: Yeah I mean, it would be chaotic though, like super chaotic.

DR: Uhm my room wouldn’t be the neatest.

GR: I feel like mine will be, would be in the middle-

DR: Yours would be the neatest I feel like.

YA: Yeah, you’d be the needy one, and I be the one that be like waking up everyone with the trastes.

GR: Yeah-

YA: With the pans.

GR: Yeah, [inaudible].

DR: No, I wake up at five in the morning, so-

YA: Oh yeah, you’d hear, you would hear me showering like around two.

GR: In the morning?

YA: Yeah-

GR: Oh wow.

YA: Yeah, cause when it’s hot like-

GR: You can’t sleep-

YA: I can’t sleep.

DR: Did you know that that’s how you get sick?


GR: Yeah I mean, like, I don’t really like, see each other in the future, cause like seeing each other as adults is like super weird, cause.


GR: No, cause we’re like, like, well not even, basically your a teen, Yvette, but Dayana and I are still like in our like –

YA: You made me sound so old-

GR: You’re not though, you’re a teen though, so I mean, I feel like we would, eventually get, I mean, more closer than we already are-

YA: I think we’ll get closer [noise] but we’ll have our, our like, kinda our little phrase, where like, we just kinda separate, you know? Go in our little way.

DR: Yeah.

YA: If you think about it Gaby, you’re about to enter high school in a year.

GR: Yeah.

YA: Dayana, what grade are you in?

GR: She’s in sixth.

YA: So like in, three or four years she’ll get in high school, and by that time you guys are in, then I’ll be-

GR: You’ll probably be-

YA: Freshman year, i’ll be in freshman in university or college, and so far how its looking, i might go out of state with university so-

DR: Yeah.

YA: I think we’ll have our little phrase where we don’t really hang out.

DR: Phase.

YA: Phase.

GR: She said phrase.


GR: I mean, yeah, I don’t really, I mean it’s gonna be, I mean of course, we are gonna have our lows and highs in our friendship cause um, I mean-

YA: Cause Dayana ate all my chips.


DR: I didn’t, you said I could borrow them.


GR: Borrow them, you gonna throw em back up?


DR: Well, that what I did just in the toilet.


GR: Yeah, so, i feel like our shop, like, brought us more together, cause Dayana and I, worked at some point, like in vacations, cause she, she would have the register or I would have the register, or we would, one of us would be stocking up, like the-

DR: Yeah

GR: The merchandise and everything, or bringing down the merchandise from upstairs and stuff.

DR: Yeah.

GR: But when Yvette came along, when Yvette came along, she was like the one who brought the mood up, sometimes, we would be on our lowest point, cause we would be tired, even though we didn’t even do anything the whole entire day, like the shop would get super busy sometimes [laughs] so it’s pretty, pretty weird.

So like yeah, during quarantine, uhm, me and Yvette lost a tio and uhm, coming to, to the shop was something that like brought us up since Dayana was always here she would kinda be the, the mom of the group, you know? I feel like-

YA: She-

GR: Yeah go ahead.

YA: She, Dayana basically stepped, did a big step in, kinda becoming the mom of the group at that time because, like, how Gaby said we did lose our close uncles that we had that kinda watched us grow, and everything that lived with us and I think, like, Dayana stepping up to be that role model when we needed or be like our, kinda our counselor, or guidance.

GR: Our therapist basically.

YA: Yeah our therapist, letting us rant to her or like, letting us just cry to her, like I think it was a very big step of her, especially since she’s like-

GR: The youngest of the group-

YR: Youngest of the group.

GR: Yeah, I mean, I feel like everyone, like each one of us have that time-

DR: Yeah-

GR: That we’re all a therapist, to each other, you know, it’s not just-

YR: [inaudible] 

GR: Uh huh yeah, like not, you know, not all the time we’re gonna be super funny and super happy in a good mood, we’ll always have like our lows, like you know, where we’re mad at each other annoyed at each other but uhm I mean, quarantine has really brought us more together, you know, it’s like-

DR: Yeah-

GR: Made our friendship more stronger.

DR: Yeah.

YA: Yeah.


DR: Conclusion, I think I am a very good friend because I am a very good friend.


DR: You don’t need no reason for that, I’m just a very good friend.


GR: What’s your conclusion Yvette?

YA: Conclusion I think I am-


YA: The better, I say, I would not be the better friend, but i’ll be the better, the better, like, if you need anything you can come to me, kind of person. 

GR: Yeah, in conclusion, like uhm, conclusion, I mean, I think quarantine was a bad thing for all of us, it certainly was for the whole entire world, but I feel like it brought so much people much closer to each other because you didn’t have anything to do in quarantine and you’d be, you would ask yourself, what do i do, so i feel like talking to you guys, like uhm, nos, brought us away from boredom, you know, nos hizo ser más productivos con nosotros, so I feel like, it was a good thing, quarantine was a good thing, I’m not saying Covid was a good thing that happened, but it was uhm, good for our friendship to become more closer

DR: Yeah, side note Im the best looking out of-

YA: Side, side note I am the cutest, high schooler ever.

GR: Ok, I’m ending it, no no no.