Seven things that mean a lot to me

This is Sally. Shes no longer with us but I loved her. She was a great dog and I am happy for the memories we created.

This is Sally. She’s no longer with us but I loved her. She was a great dog and I am happy for the memories we created.

Life is complicated. Sometimes I feel great, sometimes I feel just angry and sad. Sometimes I overthink everything, even in the smallest things. Sometimes I feel no emotion at all, just thinking about what happens next or what am I am going to do. One day I could be at my best, the other day, I’m just stressed out. So when it comes to bad times, I find ways to not think about the bad and enjoy the good, maybe hang out with friends and family, enjoy nature, or play soccer. A lot of those good moments mean something to me, unfortunately I don’t always take pictures of those moments, but I did manage to capture a couple of those times, so here are seven moments that mean something to me.