Eighth grade advice for incoming sixth graders

Middle school is very difficult especially if you are someone who slacks off a lot and don’t enjoy doing anything. Well this will come back to you especially in 8th grade. It is a very difficult grade to pass because if you don’t pay attention you will not know anything. Students have to constantly be on point, especially in eighth grade.

Here are some advice that eighth graders from Animo Jefferson Charter Middle School want sixth graders to take.

Be organized because then it would be difficult to find things that you need to turn in.

— Taite Melara

Pay attention in school and try your best because then you won’t have any trouble with grades.

— Maynor Francisco

Do not get involved in drugs because then you won’t be able to focus on your school work.

— Cesar Martinez

Always stay focus in school because then you are going to regret it.

— Marisol Uriostegui

Always do your homework and study for the tests so that you can understand what is going on.

— Daniel Cortez

I give advice to the new six graders to not be lonely in your first year and get friends.

— Oswaldo Sanchez

Don’t fool around and don’t get a lot of demerits, and stay out of trouble.

— Martha Barrientos