A powerful family of original vampires!

A powerful family of original vampires!

The Originals is a family of original vampires that their mom created but she put a curse on. Their names are Klaus, Kol, Elijah, Rebekah, and Finn. Frya is a sister that was separated because her aunt took her away and controlled her life since she was jealous. The Originals is a very interesting TV show because there are a lot of conflicts that happen. They have good moments when they all work together to fight their enemies but also have the moments where they betray each other. They betrayed each other because they want to find freedom from their curse but then Klaus found out that he is going to have a child with Hailey Marshall. That’s when people come to attack their family because when their baby named Hope is born she will be the most powerful witch/wolf.

Although they are the most powerful family, no one really trusts them because the wolves, witches, and vampires know what their family is  capable of. That’s why they try their best to keep the peace between the humans, wolves, witches, and vampires in New Orleans.

Overall I think that this is a great TV show to watch because it’s really interesting and it grabs your attention because you want to know what will happen next and how they will solve their families’ enemies. I recommend this show to you if you enjoy watching vampire, action, and emotional shows. Another reason why its a good show is because it has a lot of twists to it. This isn’t like your average show because there is a lot of the shows and movies that let the main characters survive but this one changes it because the people you expect to survive don’t survive. This show makes is different too because it doesn’t focus on the emotions or perspective of one person; it shows them in a lot of characters and the struggles they went through.