Pet Review #FEB9 : Max the Husky’s Birthday!
Happy Birthday to my dog- Max!
I just decided I wanted to continue Max’s little pet review, and put in some more information about that little paragraph.
You see, he wasn’t always scratching me. In fact, when we got him when he was a little puppy, he was always inside of our house (we were not safe), and he kept going to our doors and barking! SO we made a little humble abode for him in our laundry room.
You might be asking: “Hey isn’t that dangerous? He can lick dusk and dirty clothes!”
Well, he had this tendency to lick the washing machine for some godforsaken reason. I don’t know. And then we tried teaching him how to walk, and he would just slide on the floor, like a baby trying to crawl for the first time. A few weeks later, when he learned how to crawl and jump, he was EVERYWHERE. He was following me everywhere, my grandma everywhere, all of us were not safe as he tugged the bottom of our pants. He was as small as a watermelon, and he would pop out of nowhere.
One time I went to the couch to chill out and I saw the corner of the couch had two blue marbles. But those were no marbles. As soon as I realized, he pounced on me and started boxing me like it was the semifinals to a boxing tournament. I think that’s where he got his boxing/hitting people tendency from.
Again, a few weeks passed by and we tried teaching him to go play outside. He was always stuck on the stairs, so I had to help him get out. Then, when spring break came, I had to leave Max for a few weeks, but my grandma’s friend was taking care of Max! When I come home, I don’t see a little fluffall, the size of a watermelon, I see A HUGE DOG THAT HAD GROWN THREEFOLD ITS SIZE. He proceeded to grab my luggage and chuck it away and then started coming for me next.
And finally here we are! Almost about to be one year old (or probably already is because doctors say that he was born approximately around December, but I got him on February 9th), this little guy is being trained to not make me bleed. I am currently making cardboard armor and I have a pool noodle to fight with him, so by the time this is published I will most likely have bruises and scratches.
Thank you for reading this little article of my amazing dog!
(Note : He has given me many bruises, and I am going to play with him again.)
From Irvin : Max, a silly dog, I’ve had my fair share of pets and know what it’s like to celebrate their special day. Just wanna wish the silly guy a happy birthday (M3RrY Chr1StMAs)
And now, here is Max, eating a burger.

-Irvin De Jesus