Immigration Policy Q & A’s

Everyone at some point has heard about the changes to the immigration policy, and how immigrants would be able to get their protection from deportation for up to five years.. However, there are some questions that might still need to be answered.

Sehrish Jamshed, a history teacher at Animo Jefferson, answered the following questions.

Q: Who’s covered by the immigration policy?

A:  Any immigrant who has lived in the United States for at least 10 years and have U.S. born children.


Q: How does this affect the families who are undocumented?

A: It’s going to affect 5 million people, I would like to see the outcomes of that. Since the presidential election is during 2016, who ever the candidates are, they are both going to have tons of “arguments” based on this.


Gabriela Dampier, a middle school teacher at Animo Jefferson, answered the following questions for the executive order on the immigration reform.


Q: How will this affect student life ? Will it have a negative or a positive effect ?

A: “Overall , this will have a positive effect because students that are immigrants will have opportunities that they didn’t have before.”


Q: Do you think it was a good decision to pass this executive order ?

A: “It’s a step in the right direction because I think something needed to be done and I don’t know if Congress would have made the same changes in a timely manner.”


Q: How do you feel about the whole order overall ?

A: “I feel excited because I feel immigrants can contribute to society and I’m glad that they’re finally going to be given rights and a chance to become citizen.”



Gabriela Dampier, a history teacher at Animo Jefferson.
Gabriela Dampier, a history teacher at Animo Jefferson.