The most fascinating book ever!

In the photo, it is showing what the book looks like.


In the photo, it is showing what the book looks like.

In the book Dead Girls Don’t Lie we need to figure out who is responsible for a girl’s death. We get suspicious of everyone that is mentioned, we get relationships, new friendships, friendship breakups, and amazing plot twists. Overall it’s not like other books where we can already guess who the person responsible is. The book isn’t boring, trust me. I barely read and I get bored right away when reading a book but this one was different, it’s so interesting that you won’t want to stop reading until you know who it is and when you do find out who it is, it’s honestly shocking. 


My overall opinion for Dead Girls Don’t Lie is that it’s the best book I’ve ever read. The reason why I say that is because it kept me entertained, the storyline always makes sense, and it has a good ending because the main character finds happiness and no one I loved died so I wasn’t sad.


This book is nothing like any others I’ve read. I’ve read about similar topics but this book was the only one that really had me intrigued. For example, I had also read a book called Drowning is Inevitable and at first it was boring, just talking about unimportant stuff like a relationship that doesn’t make sense, then it got interesting because of what the characters did like run away from a toxic home, then I just got bored again and didn’t want to read it anymore. Dead Girls Don’t Lie isn’t anything like that and will definitely not bore you, especially with all the plot twists. 


Lastly, my recommendation is to definitely read it, especially if you like books that are mysterious and thrilling. Although, if you’re like me, a person who rarely reads, this book will be worth the time spent reading it! The book makes you smile, makes you gasp, makes you wish you were there experiencing what the characters are because besides all the bad things, there are cute moments. 

Where you can buy the book if not found in libraries