A day of my life during the pandemic
Hey there, my name is Jennyfer and this is going to be a story of a day in my life during the pandemic. During the pandemic I spent a lot of time doing school work, spending time with my pets, and focusing on some hobbies. During the day my dogs Laddy and Rocky would keep me company and beg for some dog treats while my turtle Lucy would swim around in her tank and my two baby sulcata tortoises spent most of their day sleeping, except when they would be outside getting sunlight and fresh air and being fed. I had to start doing my school work online on a Chromebook, but when I wasn’t in class I would focus on some of my hobbies like painting, baking, and making bracelets since I love doing those things.

Julia Hernandez • May 11, 2021 at 12:13 pm
Awww! Your dogs, turtle, and tortoises are cute! It’s always wonderful to paint.