Photography during the pandemic
When school first shut down, we pretty much all had to deal with a new schedule change. We weren’t able to meet friends on the weekend, go to events, and we pretty much had to be open to new things that didn’t involve other people. A lot of people were able to learn how to cook, draw, etc. But in this case, this revolves more around photography during the pandemic.

When I took this photo of the yellow cassia flower, it told me a lot of things. It fell from its tree due to its growth, and when it was ready, it fell. Its just like us humans, when we’re´re ready to go, we fall and leave, to start a new chapter.

Ever since covid struck, its given me the time to take care of myself physically and mentally. I started a new diet, and the apple consisted of the new diet!

Back at my dads house, me and my father thought it would be nice to plant some things around our house. We had planted a couple of trees about a year ago, and the last time I came, I came home to see this big beautiful tree. It was our tree. We called it a new beginning only due to the fact that the tree is now grown, so it brings more life to our house, which was a step to a new beginning.

I was on a walk in my dad’s backyard, when I experienced the strangest encounter ever, I came into contact with a peacock. Now, not only was it strange but it was beautiful. This is probably one of the best highlights of my quarantine.

During quarantine, my father and step mother got a beautiful puppy. We named her Lucy, after our favorite sitcom ¨I Love Lucy.¨ Getting Lucy actually brought our family much closer. We knew we were missing something in our little family so it was great to add Lucy as a final edition.

Back when my dad was young, he used to love painting. During covid, I asked him if he could make a very unique painting, so he put himself up to the test. So when I visited him the next weekend, he presented me the painting. I found it to be very unique and different. I was happy he got back to painting again.

Everything about this photo is so simple. When I took the photo I was in a lot of peace. Everything was just perfect, so every time I feel that way, I go back to this photo, it brings me so much joy and happiness.