A unexpected high school year

The book The Awakening by L. J smith shares a life of when Elena Gilbert and her parents drove off from a bridge. Then a mysterious guy she doesn’t know or remember was able to save her. After months of no school and mental recovery, she was able to go back to school.
I recommend this book because it’s very interesting about how some random stranger could end up being someone important to her. In the book it also talks about how he made a very huge impact on her. For example, when the book was saying that when she first saw him she tells Bonnie to wait and she follows him. Bonnie is still observing, finally being able to see his face when he turns. Her jaw drops and moves out the way to pass.
Elena catches her brother doing drugs and tells him to grow up, giving him life lessons when he gets frustrated and walks out. Her sighing and walking out as well, she bumps into him. She is surprised by his looks, while he is wondering why she is coming out of the boys restroom. He asks why she was in there, and took her a second to respond. “Oh, problems.” It’s clearly stating on how they fell in “love” at first sight and includes incredible feelings after.
This book is also about a whole lot of non-human things. This book includes a lot of drama, betrayal, romance, mystery, and crime scenes. In conclusion this book has many interesting plots, and scenes. This book also has many other stories related to it. I really recommend reading these books to find out more about their life, and special scenes that impact their lives.