“Everything, Everything” will make you more grateful for the things in your life

In the book Everything, Everything we meet a girl named Madeline and see she has a very sick and rare disease. If she steps foot outside she could get very sick and can’t be around people so that is why she always has to stay inside and takes school from inside. She just wishes to be a normal teenager but her only friend is her nurse and her mom because her dad and brother both die in a car accident.
But then everything changes after this boy moved in right in front of her and they exchanged emails and started talking. She takes one big risk and goes outside when she sees him getting hurt and then her mom finds out about their relationship and then she runs away from home. That’s when she risks it all and finds out the truth about everything.
My overall opinion for Everything, Everything is that its one of those good book that you just want to keep reading and I really enjoyed it. And I like how there’s a happy ending and she get to be happy and be with the person she loves. I definitely recommend this book. I normally don’t like to read a lot but this is one of those books that you are glued to and want to know what happens next and has a big plot twist.
And this book really makes you be more grateful about all the things and life and things that we take for granted. And that we have the opportunity that others don’t or what other wish we had. Madeline wants to be a normal teenager but due to her sickness she can’t go outside and she wishes she could have things other people don’t consider important or take for granted.
Ivan Mendez • Nov 9, 2021 at 12:18 pm
Amazing job with the review! Thank you for this book review/suggestion and I will totally read this book it sounds really interesting! Nice Job!