“Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules” – Who knows Greg Heffley’s secret? And why is he doing all of this stuff?
Who knows it? And why is he doing this? These books are fun and great to read.

Diary of a Wimpy Kid the book series by Jeff Kinney is a phenomenal, humorous, entertaining, and a very addictive book series. This book series can make me read it for hours and hours but it will feel like a few minutes just barely passed. It makes me re-read the books all over again and once I finish the book I will forget about it but then it will re-appear and it will also still stay in your thoughts and you would want to read it again. The Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules follows and takes the perspective of Greg Heffley, a middle school kid who tries his very hardest to be popular in middle school and he illustrates his daily life in a diary but he says it is a journal not a diary. Also he tries his best to attempt to navigate the hazards of middle school, steer clear of the school talent show coming up, tries to impress the girls, and the most important thing he has to do is keep his secret safe but wait someone else knows two of his biggest secrets but who is it is the question.
Go and read the book to find out who it is and to know why he is doing all of this stuff. If you are really intrigued by this book or if you like something entertaining, humor, good characterization, relatable thoughts or anything relatable, a good book series or novel, a very great storyline, an ok friendship, family, and a middle school life. If so then this books series or this one book might just be the book for you.
Greg Heffley has a lot of relatable thoughts and he also has a lot of other relatable things that can probably relate to you in some way. He also has a best friend that is named Rowley Jefferson and he is also his neighbor. But the thing is that Rowley’s parents especially Rowley’s dad doesn’t really like him that much because Rowley gets in trouble, gets hurt and other things when they hangout with each other. Another thing is that Greg Heffley is not really the brightest kid but he is brighter than most of the other kids at his school and he always gets teased, bothered, mad and more things he doesn’t really express by his annoying older brother named Rodrick. When he was younger Rodrick would be mean to him like kicking his toys and he is still mean to him. Greg Heffley has two brothers and his mom and dad. His two brothers names are Rodrick Heffley and Manny Heffley. His parents names are Susan Heffley and Frank Heffley. One more thing is that His older brother Rodrick Heffley is the abusive older brother to Greg and Manny and is a member of the heavy metal band Löded Diper (Loaded Diaper) and he loathes Greg and Rowley.
Greg Heffley’s parents are so protective over his younger brother manny and they are so protective over him that they wont’t even let Greg lay a hand on him even when he deserves it. When Greg tries to have fun with his brother Manny they think he is doing something bad and make him stop. Also his brother is a big tattletale like him when he was younger and Manny is pretty much his mom’s spy since he tells on everyone if he sees it happening. He was the same way as Greg when he was younger but he used to tattletale on Rodrick and the thing is that Manny tells on both of them so they really careful around him because they know he will tell on them so whenever they see him they think it was their mom sending him to report back to her and tell her what is going on.
Another thing is that Greg is pretty much his older brother’s slave or Rodrick’s slave because he knows the most embarrassing things about him like the thing that happened to him last summer or the fact that he has a crush or that he has a diary and know one knows he does so he can tell everyone and Greg’s life might be over. Also his parents have a favorite child and they usually don’t believe Greg when he tells them something like the truth.
Also Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules is not the only book from this series made by Jeff Kinney. Another book from the series is Diary of a Wimpy Kid and other books are Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Last Straw, Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Hard Luck, Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days, Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Ugly Truth, Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Cabin Fever, Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Third Wheel and more and note these are not in order. Actually there is about 16 or 17 books in the Diary of A Wimpy Kid series and with the newest addition called Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Big Sh0t and four additional books called The Wimpy Kid Do-It-Yourself Book, The Wimpy Kid Movie Diary, The Wimpy Kid Movie Diary: The Next Chapter, and Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Special Cheesiest Edition. Also you won’t ever guess this: it is mind blowing but there is now over 250 million copies of Diary of a Wimpy Kid books available in 79 editions in 65 languages and this series started on online in 2004 and made its print debut in April of 2007. There are also a lot of similarities and differences between these books.
Some other books made by Jeff Kinney that are similar to the book series Diary of a Wimpy Kid are some other versions of it like Diary of Greg Heffley’s Best Friend or Diary of an Awesome Friendly Kid, and some other ones like Rowley Jefferson’s Awesome Friendly Spooky Stories and more. Of course there might be some difference between all of these awesome books but they would be pretty similar in somethings. Some differences might be the characters, setting, maybe the tone and possibly the perspective and maybe more.
Also I would like to give a big thanks to all of my teachers for helping me find these type of books even though I prefer bigger books but these books are different than any other books you won’t regret it if you give it a try and read it. I would not have found these books without you guys and I greatly recommend these book and I am totally going to read the new book in the series.
Matthew o • Nov 9, 2021 at 8:47 am
havent read the book but it looks very interesting
Brayan Mantilla • Nov 8, 2021 at 8:57 am
Nice book review Ivan Mendez
chris del real • Nov 8, 2021 at 8:55 am
i want to read this book next because i like these type of books