“From The Heart”- a novel that’ll keep you entertained

The novel From the heart- Tonight and Always by Nora Roberts is a book about a girl named Kasey Wyatt and a guy named Jordan Taylor. Jordan is a man who’s wealthy, has bad experiences with other families and is an author. Kasey is an anthropologist, author, and a hot-headed person. Kasey was meant to help Jordan with his book to publish but on the way she and Jordan caught feelings for each other. They ended just as they wished but had struggles along the way.
I recommend this book because the author made clear descriptions on how the characters feel throughout the book and made sure to include detail when explaining what the characters are doing. I’d say Jordan Taylor matured more than enough for Kasey since in the beginning he was serious, aggressive, and ignorant. Towards the end however, he showed he changed as a person ever since he met Kasey. He was still aggressive and serious but won’t show it when Kasey’s around.
Alison, Jordan Taylor’s niece, lost her parents due to an accident and is now taken care of by Mrs. Taylor, Jordan’s mother. She was a very quiet kid until she started talking to Kasey.
Once the book was finished, Kasey had to make a hard decision. Would she stay with Jordan and Alison? Or would she leave and forget anything that happened between Jordan and her? During the past months that she has worked with Taylor she met a side of him she didn’t have, a caring, loving, fun person. Now that the book was successfully finished she didn’t know whether to stay or go. Kasey also needed to check on her father since it’s been a while since she’s seen him. She’s stuck in between leaving Jordan without a word or telling him she must go and didn’t feel anything for him.
The love that Kasey and Jordan had was special. It would become toxic at some points but that was one of the ways to show they cared about each other. The love Alison and Kasey had was also special since Kasey showed Alison how to have more fun with her time instead of just studying or playing just the piano. Kasey had a special bond with them both.
A poem titled “Pillow Thoughts” by Courtney Peppernell reminds me of this book because it talks about all the emotions Kasey and Jordan went through and it speaks in detail about feelings. This poem has different sections for the feelings you have such as love, heartbreak, and anger. I suggest these books to anyone who enjoys reading romance and sad novels/poems, it’ll make you have many feelings.
The way the author wrote this book was beautiful because she added a lot of emotion into writing and describing these characters as they are and she showed how they developed throughout the book. This book is definitely worth reading however, in the beginning it might seem a bit boring but if you continue reading it, you’ll enjoy reading it much more.