How vaccines are made and their importance

Vaccines can be made in many different ways. For example, a vaccine could be made by adding a vaccine virus. This vaccine virus is weakened and this means that it won’t hurt you as bad as the actual virus. This is added so that your immune system induces memory B cells so that your immune system remembers about the virus so that it can fight the virus in the future.
Another way you can make a vaccine is by adding a chemical that will kill the virus so that the virus can no longer reproduce and cause the disease. Vaccines can also be made by adding mRNA into a vaccine and this was put into the Covid-19 vaccines and this works as a code that makes a spike of protein form to the surface of the virus. The immune system will then make an immune response against it because the immune system realizes that the protein is foreign. The way your immune system responds is by creating immunologic memory so that your immune system can be ready to fight the virus in the future. All of this is important because this is the way most companies make vaccines, such as Pfizer, Inovio, Sinovac, and Moderna.
Vaccines are important because they prevent three million deaths a year worldwide. This is important because this shows that vaccines are important for protecting human life. Another reason why vaccines are important is because vaccines protect us from diseases and if we didn’t have vaccines then many diseases would spread quickly around the world. This is also important because this shows that without vaccines then humankind wouldn’t be able to maintain their population because many diseases would kill us if we didn’t have vaccines.
Vaccines have improved in previous years, meaning that vaccines are bringing us closer to a safe and healthy future. This is important because without a safe and healthy future then many economies will die off because many people died due to an unsafe and an unhealthy life. Vaccines also reduce the numbers of death, and are getting better throughout the years.
This is also important because this tells us that we rely on vaccines to help us from diseases.
I know all of this because I got it from: