The Graveyard Book spooks everybody

“The Graveyard Book” is written by P. Craig Russel. The Graveyard Book: Volume 1 is the first volume in a two- part graphic novel adaptation of Neil Gaiman’s 2008 children’s novel “The Graveyard Book”. P. Craig Russell is an American comic artist, writer, and illustrator. His work has won multiple Harvey and Eisner Awards. Russell was the first mainstream comic book creator to come out as openly gay.
I found this book when I was in empowered reading class. I was really curious about what was going to happen since the cover has a vampire protecting a kid. I checked it out and went to my seat to read it. The Graveyard Book follows a young boy named Nobody Owens. His family was murdered by a mysterious man named Jack. Little Bod wandered off outside to the graveyard up the hill to where all the ghosts lived. He was raised by ghost and his adventures starts there.
I would recommend this book to people that are into ghosts because the book falls under genres “ghost story” and “paranormal fiction.” Another reason why I recommend this book to other people is it’s a pretty interesting story that a kid was raised by ghosts and a vampire to help him get through life and protect him from a guy named Jack.
This would be a great book for children reading a about a kid that has been raised by ghosts. This would give them the spooky vibe. The Graveyard book has two parts it: Volume 1 and 2. You should read Volume 1 in order to understand the beginning. Volume 2 is when Nobody Owens grew up to be a teenager and started going to school.
To sum up the whole book, you should read this and it will give you a spooky vibe in time for Halloween.