Lord of the Flies is a thrilling book

Lord of the Flies, written by William Golding is an adventurous book that is very thrilling.
Jack, Ralph, Simon, Sam, Roger, Piggy, and Eric find themselves stranded on an island after their plane was shot down. After consistent tries to catch attention, the boys begin to feel like they will never be found. Both Jack and Ralph want to lead the group but can’t decide. The young boys have to adapt to new lifestyles which leaves them no choice but to cooperate and work with each other. After a long period of time, the kids have already begun to work and make progress in their revolting society. The kids begin to make laws and have important roles. Jack wanting to hunt, decides to leave the group in order to go hunt for a “beast” that one boy has said to see. Their friendship has now turned and Jack is trying to hunt Ralph. Ralph is now trying to look for help along with the rest of his boys.
The kids’ friendship was very important to the plot, which very intense. The way that the author wrote was very important because it mainly focuses on what the kids were thinking. The plot was not like any other, instead it was aimed towards how they have to work together in order to stay alive. This book is a novel, which consist of a psychological fiction genre.