“Calvin and Hobbes Revenge of the Baby-Sat”: A boy and his tiger friend

Cover of the book

Cover of the book

Calvin and Hobbes: Revenge of the Baby-Sat is a funny comic book about how a boy uses his imagination to deal with his everyday situations. Calvin the trouble maker and his more logical tiger friend, Hobbes, live in their small town and are constantly faced with others trying to boss them around.

The characters in the book are interesting to read about because they usually clash with Calvin’s personality. A good example of this is the character Susie, another kid that is usually responsible and follows the rules. Calvin would usually disrupt or annoy Susie by telling her something gross.

Calvin’s tape worm 

Another character, Rosalyn, is Calvin and Hobbes’s baby sitter. Calvin usually annoys Rosalyn and in return, she bosses around Calvin by putting him to bed early. In this book, Rosalyn has to study for a test but Calvin took her papers and threatened to flush them down the toilet. Rosalyn manages to catch Calvin by tricking him to unlock the door.

I think the best relationship Calvin has is with his pet tiger Hobbes.

Calvin goes around Hobbes’s criticism

Hobbes usually acts as the voice of reason, parallel to Calvin’s ignorance. Calvin would bring up a stupid idea and Hobbes would tell him that it won’t work, that the idea is stupid. So Calvin would adopt the idea to work in some other way that doesn’t fix the problem, but only gets around it. They still are friends that care about each other and help each other out.

Overall, the book is pretty fun to read. The characters are interesting and funny. I think it can appeal to everyone because of the humor and the lack of a storyline means you can jump into the book without needing to read the previous books.