Why is the new God of War so different from the other games?


After 8 years, the newest installment of the video game “God of War” was  released on April 20, 2018. The God of War Series is most known for their ultra-violent gameplay and with the new game being exclusive to Ps4, like it was in the other games, it will have amazing graphics. This time the company ,Santa Monica Studio, decided to go a different route from the other games in the series and focused on showing emotion on the characters, rather than the gore and brutality. The new God Of War game takes place after Krato’s vengeance with the gods. Kratos now lives as a man in the realm of Norse Gods and monsters with his son named Atreus. The story is about redemption and Kratos trying to connect with his son after his mother’s death. The Developer’s of the game have made the game cinematics with one camera which means that there is no transition between the cutscenes. Why is the new God of War game so different then the others?

Bismark Ledesma, an 8th grader from AJCMS says that he is familiar with the series and knows of the 3rd game. He also said that he knows of the new God of War game. “The New one that came out is about a kid and his dad”. Bismark has also said that the game would most likely do well.

Edgar Tejada, another 8th grader from AJCMS, who pre-ordered the game said,“I loved it, it is so good because there is so many bosses that it can keep you entertained for days”. He knows of series describing it as violent and aggressive. He also said that,“When you finished the game. There is a lot of side missions and enemies to kill”. Edgar has finished the game, which took him three days. He said the story is about the father “Kratos” trying to have a bond and connect with his son.

God of War is different from the others because it mostly about the bond between Kratos and Atreus that puts emotion into the characters. The other God of War games do put some kind of emotion between the characters, but it mostly focuses of the gameplay and the violence.