Infinity War Review

Infinity War is a very important movie to the Marvel franchise. It was created by Marvel and they are a company that produces movies. They make movies based on superheroes and are trying to make them all relate, like The Avengers, another movie made by them.

Marvel Comic Universe

The villain that is causing destruction is Thanos, a giant with a gruff voice. Thanos is too focused on Hulk and is always trying to get rid of him as quickly as possible. Although nowadays he has no problem clearing out cities, he believes that his once-beautiful home world was wrecked by too many people because he used to live on a planet in which the people had not taken care of the planet. He would like instead to wipe out half the universe with a snap of his fingers. This he can do provided his fist holds six Infinity Stones, elemental crystals that control his powers. Marvel did do a good job on hooking people with the trailer.

Not many people liked the fact that heroes died in the movie. In fact a student named Milton Hernandez in 8th grade stated,”I don’t like it that they died because now they might not include the heroes again in a movie unless something magical happens.” The student didn’t like the fact that heroes died and most of other students in the school like Citlali Apolinar a student in eighth grade didn’t like it. She stated, “I did like it but the fact that the heroes died makes me want to say otherwise.” The fact that in the movie so many of the heroes created are gone is what made people dislike the movie.

Marvel made a slight mistake when completing the movie by eliminating some of the heroes. People would highly disagree with how Marvel had to eliminate the heroes in the movie. People might be big  fans of the heroes and they also  just eliminated the heroes like nothing without a sign that they were going to disappear from the  story. Marvel now has to work on Infinity War for  a long time because of how strong they made Thanos look.


You can see the Rotten Tomatoes review here: