“The 5th Wave” lets you see the world in an apocalyptic state


In Rick Yancey’s book, a seventeen year old girl has to go through a dark time that would end the human race. Cassie Sullivan (main character) has been living on her own for the past three years. Living inside a tent in the woods she confronts challenges such as having to deal with aliens known as the Others and saving her little brother from a base that is highly guarded. One day she is ambushed and has to make a quick escape with only a few items. With those items she sets out to save her little brother and find a better place. 

This book has a very thrilling plot that consists of a first person view. The unique part of it is that it doesn’t focus on only one person but on three different people such as Cassie, Cassie’s little brother Sammy and her crush Ben Parish. Unlike other books, this shows the different perspectives of the characters. This book is based on an Action and Adventure genre. Many other books have good plots but this one seemed to surprise me. It didn’t go too fast or too slow. It really entertained me and kept me wanting to read more. The book showed the effects of an apocalyptic event. It was full of decisions, lots of thought-out plans and a pretty explainable exposition. The author’s way of describing the aliens was quite cool. It left me wondering what they really were, which makes me want to read the second book. Most books I read normally explain how they look like and what’s their purpose. This one was  really our own inference and what we thought they were and what they wanted.

Overall, I really think this is a good book and recommend you to read since it was really thought-out with much plot and good character development.