¨Holes¨ is one of the best books I’ve ever read

This book will amaze you with its interesting plot and story line. The book is about a boy is wrongfully sent to a brutal camp, where the camp warden and her staff force the children in their care to mysteriously dig holes all day long in the desert. Their rehabilitation is questioned, as they think something sinister is involved. 


I absolutely loved this book after I finished reading it. It truly is an amazing story and I highly recommend this book if you’re looking into picking out a new book or are looking into getting a book written by Louis Sachar. He’s also written other amazing books such as “There’s A Boy In The Girl’s Restroom,” “Small Steps,” and other books that I highly recommend reading. Also if you’re not into reading this novel, it was also made into a movie which came out back in 2003, I’ve also watched the movie to see if it was as good as the book so I recommend the movie too even though it does have it’s differences from the novel. The book is also quite old as it was made back in 1998 but I like that because my sister actually also read the book when she was my age and she’s the one that recommended the book to me in the first place which is why I’m recommending the book to you.


You can find out more by reading the novel or watching the movie. I highly recommend either one as it is one of my all time favorite novels and movies.